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10th Grade: About

10th Grade Overview

Theme: Discover Your World

GMS 10th grade students are expected to complete collaborative semester projects that connect the ideas that they are studying in their English, World History, Video and Art classes.  Students will improve their analytical skills through a rigorous Linked Learning approach, drawing connections between literary concepts, styles, and media itself, in order to create work that is current and relevant.  As they write, plan, design, edit, distribute and exhibit their work, they will learn about standards of professional performance and the protocols for success in a group-based environment.  They will also continue to develop the speaking, reading, writing and analytical skills they’ve learned during GMS classes and will continue to use in college and beyond. 

10th Grade Team

English 10 Teacher

World History Teacher

Video Production Teacher

10th Grade: Programs

Semester A

Project: Historical Fiction Media Project

Essential Question: How does one engage others in a story? What is our connection to others’ stories?

Even though our history and the history of others plays an integral role in shaping who we are as individuals and how we see the world around us, there is often a disconnect when it comes to grappling with the events of the past. History plays an important role in building a compassionate, empathetic, and tolerant society. Examining history through the art of storytelling brings events to life and leaves a lasting impression on an audience. The semester culminates in a story-corps style media project in which students take on the perspective of a historical figure and/or relate an historical event.

Semester B

Project: Fighting For Justice

Essential Question: How can I bring awareness to a societal injustice and effect positive change?


As developing global citizens, the objective of this semester will be for students to produce an interdisciplinary project that raises awareness of a social, political, economic, or environmental injustice. Students read books and articles, conduct research, create and perform spoken word poetry, and engage in discussions pertaining to various injustices as a means of developing their final product. The semester culminates in a project in which students are recorded performing spoken word argumentative poems in front of an audience. Selections of those recordings are included in a collaborative documentary addressing a societal injustice.

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