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Our Academic Program

The Global Media Studies (GMS) magnet is a four-year, interdisciplinary program focused on social justice themes and creative media. GMS teaches students to view media critically, from a wide variety of perspectives, in order for students to challenge conventional narratives and create powerful portrayals of their own. At its heart, GMS is a storytelling program. GMS students are encouraged and supported as they explore the pressing issues facing the planet via their academic and elective classes. In their hands-on elective classes, students learn to communicate their ideas through meaningful media projects, which are featured in our annual showcase of student work, GMS Fest.


All freshmen take a common elective, Film Integrating Art, and then have a choice of pathways beginning in 10th grade. Those elective pathways include animation/drawing, video production, and our student broadcast journalism class, KCAV. Students may also opt for an acting class specific to film and television, or join our leadership/Media Arts class. (Both KCAV and our Media Arts classes require applications.) Every grade level includes collaborative media projects that span students’ academic and elective classes. GMS clubs include Cinema Club, Animation Club and the Ambassadors Club, which is an extension of our leadership class.

Our video production and broadcast students learn in our two-story, 6,000-square-foot professional production and classroom facility. The Media Center houses a green screen studio, a control booth with a TriCaster multi-camera switcher, television sets donated by Nickelodeon, and plenty of space for computers and editing. Students have access to professional film editing and screenplay software and high-end cameras. Our drawing and animation students learn fundamental art, drawing and animation skills, while also having access to cutting-edge animation and storyboarding software from Toon Boom.

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GMS Classes Slide 11th and 12th (1).jpg
Academics: Programs
Academics: Projects

Grade-Level Themes

Discover Your Journey

Discover Your World

Discover Your Dream

Discover Your Voice

Connecting Curriculum to Careers

Global Media Studies Magnet became an LAUSD Linked Learning school in 2016. We earned our Silver Certification in 2021, and are currently working on our Gold Certification. Participation in Linked Learning prepares students to graduate from high school and to succeed in a full range of options after graduation, including two- or four-year colleges, certification programs, apprenticeships, military service, or formal job training. 

The LAUSD Linked Learning initiative brings together strong academics, demanding career technical education, real-world experience and integrated student support systems. 


Students in the Global Media Studies/Linked Learning Pathway begin building their digital portfolios in the ninth grade via the online platform Portfolium. Students choose one "artifact" or project per semester in each academic class to save to their Portfolium profile. In the eleventh grade, students create resumes and participate in Mock Interviews with professional adults to prepare for internships and careers. Students who complete all of these steps successfully earn their Linked Learning Work Readiness Badge.

In the twelfth grade, students must present their completed digital portfolio to a panel of educators and industry professionals during their Senior Portfolio Defense. In order to graduate, students must prove that they have learned the academic and technical skills required by our program. The Senior Portfolio Defense is a Linked Learning requirement.

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Linked Learning
Academics: Programs

LAUSD's A-G Requirements

To ensure all LAUSD graduates have the option to enroll directly into a university and be prepared for a career, the District has implemented a College and Career Readiness initiative. LAUSD has aligned its graduation requirements with the California State University (CSU) A-G requirements. Students must earn a grade of "D" or better in "A-G" courses, and meet California Department of Education Requirements, as well as satisfying additional LAUSD requirements, in order to graduate. The requirements for a University of California campus may be more demanding than those required to graduate. In addition, four-year universities do not accept a grade of "D" as passing in any academic class.


Students should make sure to consult with our College and Career Counselor and their individual academic counselor to ensure they are on track to pursue the college or career option of their choice.

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